Online Tax Return

It is always necessary for you to keep track of how your super is performing. And also what is the return super has delivered. We being your super administer partner, analyze and explain. The return your super has provided and how it is going to do in the future. We will also assist you regarding in which superannuation account you should invest to have maximum return. Giving you the superannuation services.

Having super in more than one place isn’t just a mess but it is expensive too. Rollover the fund and consolidate all your super account into one account. Provide us the information of your superannuation account and give us your consent to act on your behalf of you, then we will liaise and rollover all the super into one account.

Also most super funds offer various types of insurance to its members, such as

  • Death cover: Beneficiaries will receive the benefit in the event of member's death.
  • Total and permanent disability: You receive the benefit when you become permanently disable.
  • Income protection cover: You receive the benefit if you're not able to work for certain period because of illness or temporary disability.

If you do not have insurance with your super and want to get insurance linked with your super.


Contact us and we will liaise on your behalf.

As we act as your trusted partner, we can help you regarding nomination of beneficiaries for your super as well as keep your personal detail such as surname, address, email and phone details up to date.

Should you require any assistance on the matters feel free to contact us.